Saturday, May 2, 2015

Elf Hunting at the Museum of N & S

It's tough to find activities to do with Finn in a foot cast, so we had to think outside the box today.  We headed to the Museum of Nature and Science to do something we have never done there.  That's a pretty bold statement considering we have been there about 282 times.  Today we went gnome hunting...but the museum is crazy and calls them "elves" on the internet if you search for them.  We found all 9 gnomes and 1 Yoda.  On the museum website, there is a helpful pdf that gives hints...and you will need them. They won't tell you about the yoda though...that you will have to find for yourself in the IMAX lobby :)

Have you ever been hunting for them at the museum?  Here's a picture of each gnome and won't be able to see many of them because most of them are SMALL, but each one gives you a hit if you head out hunting.  There IS a gnome (elf) or a yoga in each one.  Most were painted in, two were ceramic, and one was even in an electronic moving picture that I KNOW you have stared at before and never saw.

Plan your next trip and go searching, it was REALLY fun and sometimes kind of hard.  Do not judge the amount of fun had by the smiles in these pictures.  My kiddo is a little self conscious about smiling for pictures these days...think Chandler in the engagement photos episode of Friends.

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