Friday, November 25, 2011

Tristan 3 1/2 years old

Tristan has grown up so much even in the last six months that I thought I should do a midyear review on him. He has learned all of his letters and likes to try to figure out the first letter in words we are saying. Tristan loves school, is learning so much there, and even has a little girlfriend named Sophia. His imagination is through the roof! Listening to him play makes my heart happy. His toys are genuine friends now and they have the greatest adventures together.

He has also become quite the fashion expert. At his three year check up, the doctor asked if he dressed himself. At that time I just laughed and said he had never even tried to dress himself. Well, that has changed dramatically! He changes all day long into the cutest outfits. I'm always impressed when he gets the clothes facing the right direction.

His smile is still as bright and beautiful as ever. He is still the friendliest and brightest little boy I have ever met, and when he puts his mind to it he can run as fast as lightening ;)

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving this year starting with Tristan helping me make baked corn to take to dinner. At school this week they learned about the sense touch, so he decided to turn it into a "touch and feel" project. I don't think anyone at dinner noticed... it still tasted great.

We were all thankful, but Tristan was thrilled to be invited to the Lund's for Thanksgiving dinner. Taylor is one of his "best friends" and I knew between Taylor and Craig we were not going to see Tristan the whole time we were there. I was right.
I was nervous about having the only little kids there, but it turned out to be great. So many people who are not around kids all the time and all of them wanting a turn chasing the kids, holding them, feeding them, and playing.

Dinner was fantastic and Tristan got to sit at the big kids table. Aside from the part where Tristan yelled over to me that Ciera had stolen his belly button, I didn't see him all through dinner. The young adults at that table said it was the most entertaining dinner they had in a long time.

After dinner, "Uncle Mango" broke out the guitar and sang the most beautiful songs. All the boys loved it, but none more than Finn. Craig and Finn sat in the chair right by Mango and as Finn was slowly rocked to sleep, Mango sang a beautiful Hawaiian song about a sleeping baby. Total sweetness!!

Good food, good friends, good fun, good memories. Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Ian 17 Months

My sweet little Ian is seventeen months old! Ian chats up a storm around this house and cautiously observes situations and people before jumping in and starting some trouble. He loves to wear hats and has a beat for music like I have never seen in a young child. Looking into his eyes, he seems to have a much older soul than the other two kids.
Ian takes all of Tristan's timeouts and turns them into brother bonding times which just makes us all laugh.

I love that Ian can be my happiest and most dramatic child in the span of two minutes. His dramatic crumple to the floor tantrums are so impressive that we watch in surprise each time when he adds another dimension to them. He is always practicing them and adding more flare.
Although he has not said any real words yet, he speaks volumes with his eyes! The is a flirt through and through. I can't wait to hear the magical words that will come from his mouth!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


These days I find the boys playing together more and more. I have to say, it makes this mom's heart very happy to see this! There are still plenty of times where they are tackling, hitting, and grabbing toys away, but that's all just normal sibling stuff. The times when they play nicely together... that's not a give in. I hope as the years go on I find them playing together more and more. Love my boys!!

Finn 17 Months

Mr Finn is almost seventeen months old! He is getting to be such a big boy. He is generally a happy little boy, especially since his molars broke through a few weeks ago. He has started to say a few words. Mama, more, hi, and bye bye. My favorite thing to do with Finn right now is to have little chats with him. You can ask him any question and he will answer you with the cutest babble ever! Poor kid, I do this to him all day long.

He has learned to climb the ottoman to turn on and off the kitchen light, dances like a maniac, and loves to play chase with big brother Tristan. The kid has an arm on him, too. The food that comes flying at dinner has some nice speed and would go a lot farther if it didn't hit the wall first. The paci that hits me in my bed with the greatest of aim is quite impressive, too. Finn's latest and greatest achievement is waking me up with a, "Mama? Mom? Mama? MOM?" It's so cute that I can't get mad at him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Twin's First Haircut

Last weekend, we took the twins in for their first haircuts. Ian's hair was not too bad, but "wild man" Finn had wild and crazy hair! As much as he needed that hair cut, it was bittersweet for me to get it cut. Those cute curls, thick wavy hair, and the excitement of not knowing what direction it was going to be headed when he woke up in the morning.

I was nervous about taking these two in because they have not spent a ton of time out and about in different places. I thought they would be scared and clingy. Boy was I wrong! The place we go has a playroom where Neil stayed with the kids not yet having their haircut. I pulled them out one at a time to sit in the cute car, watch the movie in front of them, oh and get their haircut, too. Neither of them wiggled or even made a peep! I could not have had asked for more and their hair looks so cute... even though I still miss those locks on Finn!