Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fort Conway

Who knew that a few blankets and pillows could change our living room into a really fun place to be?  Well, I guess I do remember being a kid and somehow a fort was the most exciting place in the house.  
Finn had been taking a large chair cushion and setting in against the wall for him to lay under, so Neil simply propped the pillow as a roof between the ottoman and the chair.  You would have thought he invented the next hot toy the way the boys responded.  Neil left for work and I got to work making enough forts around the room so the boys would not fight over them.

Tristan and Ian shared nicely, but since Finn is in another "biting phase" I did not allow him to enter any small space with the other boys. 
He seemed content in his own fort though.  They were so thrilled!  I have a feeling we will be making a lot of forts this fall.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tristan's First Day at the Little Red School House

Happy Valley

Ahh, the first day of school *sniff sniff*... or at least that's how I thought I would feel.  Sending Tristan off to his first day of real preschool in a classroom where things were labeled with his name and cute little tables and chairs filled the room was not as hard as I thought it would be.  I guess if he had been nervous or crying when I left that would be different, but my little guy is SO ready for this.  

He might be the smallest kid in his class, but his personality couldn't be bigger.  After the first day he had already made a couple good friends and is catching on to the routine quickly.  The only thing that made him sad was  he only gets to go to school three mornings a week and they didn't play with the Legos the first couple of days.  

Getting any information out of him about the school day is tough, but every now and then he spills some interesting story my way.  I try not to push him and then I barely breath until he has told me all he has to say being very careful not to interrupt him.  So far I know they had a fire drill, they played a parachute game, learned the song about going on a bear hunt, and the class pet is a hermit crab named Mr Pickles.  Not bad after only two days.
Every morning, they have to match up their name tag to their name on the wall and then go hang up their back pack.  I helped him the first two days, but tomorrow is his turn to fly solo while I wait by the door.  Nothing like pushing baby bird out right?  Actually, I don't think it's a big deal to make him do this on his own, but he seems to have a lot of "only child" kids in his class.  At the open house there was actually a mom that sat down to play Legos with Tristan and her son.  She would ask Tristan if her son could have a certain Lego and Tristan would look at them like they were a little crazy as I sat in the corner checking facebook on my phone and drinking my latte.  He is old enough, brave enough, and social enough to do this all without mommy.  He would ask other kids to come play with him and they would stare at him like he was speaking another language and then just walk away.  He would look over at me, shrug his shoulders, and move on. I'm sure by the end of the year they will all be best friends.
His school is so cute with all the typical centers for play and a wonderful playground outside, not to mention the barn with all the animals and the pony rides each day at recess.  One of Tristan's favorite parts, however, are the bathrooms.  Everything just his size.  I'm sure he uses it whether he needs to or not, and to be honest when I saw them I kind of wanted those mini urinals for my house when I start potty training the twins.

My friend Kendra is a new photographer and offered to do some back to school pictures of Tristan while she took some of her son at the same school.  I love these pictures because they are so him when he started preschool!  I even brought my mom's teacher bell with us and he would not put it down.  That makes these pictures even more sweet to me.  My big four year old boy.  I am SO proud to be his mom.  He is kind and funny, sweet and imaginative.  I could not have asked for a better oldest child for my little ones to look up to. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sapphire Point

Today we had nothing on the schedule. We had been cooped up all week sharing a head cold with each other and needed to get some fresh air.  We are still under the weather, but we honestly had to get off the couch for a little while. The weather looked nice and cool in the mountains, so we packed the kids up early in the morning and headed towards Dillon to a trail called Sapphire Point.
It looked like it was going to be an easy hike for the kids.  Less than a mile long and good for "children and elderly."  However, they forgot to mention that maybe it's not the best for toddlers.  We hadn't taken the kids on hikes yet where they couldn't handle the walk in their sneakers, but today hiking shoes would have come in handy.  The loose stone was slippery and the trail was sloped in many areas.  The drop off to the side was a bit much for this mama, but luckily it didn't last the whole time. 
There was a very steep teepee on a side path where Neil, Finn, and Tristan went exploring.  It was really fun going up, but the walk down was hard for T to stay on his feet.  Looks like it's time to find some proper shoes for these hikes. 

There was a beautiful stop half way with picnic benches perfect for changing diapers and a flat spot off the path where Tristan would relieve himself.  I will be happy when the three of them can just line up on the side of the trail and I don't have to carry smelly diapers out with me. 
Finn and Ian did really well and Tristan did the best he ever has at not going too far ahead of us.  I think they are starting to get used to the rules.  It is SO much easier when Neil is with us.  More hands getting them in and out of the car, more eyes to see where everyone is, I only had to change half the diapers, and I got to sleep on the way home :)

After telling Tristan not to run on this path, he ran to catch up with Neil and took a huge slip and dive onto some rocks.  This is the high five after getting back up and on the trail again.  He was a brave boy.  I didn't even have to carry him at all.  Actually, we hardly carried any of them this time. 

I don't know if we would do this path again, but I'm glad we went this morning.  Something new, got out of the heat of the foothills, and everyone was so tired after.  Now back to the couch for all of us this evening with some movies and maybe a little popcorn.  I think we all need to sleep for about a day after this small outing.