Thursday, August 20, 2009


Tristan shared for the first time today! There was a shy little boy at Gymboree that wanted to help T and I throw balls into a big bucket but just could not pull himself away from his mom. I would hold a ball out for him and he would come over to quickly throw it in the bucket and run back to his mom. Well, Tristan must have been watching because after a few times, Tristan picked up a ball and took it over and handed it to Julian. He did this three was SO CUTE! I must have looked like an idiot praising him like crazy with the hopes that this sharing thing would stick. Good job, Tristan!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Did you want something?

I taught Tristan to sign words to me and then I forgot to watch. I was in Starbucks picking up a coffee today and T was in his stroller.
The woman behind the counter said, "what does that mean?"
Me: "oh, that means please. He knows a few words- help, please, eat, all done."
Starbucks lady: "and what is that?"
Me: "Sometimes he puts a few together. That's Eat please, but you don't really want to eat do you?" And then I turned around to get my coffee.
Starbucks Lady: "I think he might want a banana"
As a look and now actually pay attention to my son, he is practically jumping out of his stroller pointing and staring down the bananas on the counter while continuously signing 'eat please, eat please, eat please!'
Thank you Starbucks lady for helping me be a better mom...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sick Day

Tristan is in heaven today during my misery. I woke up this morning with a stomach bug and have the energy to do NOTHING. So far we have shared a bowl of pretzels and a box of Mac and Cheese. If Tristan doesn't take a nap soon I fear he might go into a tv coma from the amount of Sesame Street and Little Einsteins we have watched today. I am so glad T got a new toy last night, a toy dinosaur you put balls in and it lights up and goes through tunnels and stuff, it is keeping him amused for a long time. He must know something is up because every so often he will stop what he is doing and come give me a hug. What a sweet boy!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lions, and tigers, and doggies? Oh my...

Tristan and I went to the zoo today with our friends Kendra and Blake. We decided instead of seeing as many animals as possible, we would put the boys down and let them see what they could see. Our motto, "if we only see 4 animals it was still a good day." Well, we saw 5 so it was a GREAT day! Tristan would walk up to where the animals were and just stand there looking around. You could tell the instant he saw the animals because he would gasp, point, and yell, "doggie, doggie!" Yes, today we saw 5 "doggies" in the forms of buffalo, elephants, monkeys, penguins, and leopards. We stood at the elephant doggies for a while and made thier noise and used our arms for trunks. He did not really like the Merry-Go-Round, but loved the train. He even learned to pump his arm and say "Choo Choo", well kind of. It actually sounds more like Ta Ta, but I'll take it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I don't know who is having more fun?!

Ever since Tristan was able to move and play and actually look at and enjoy activities, we have been trying everything we can. I don't know who is having more fun with all this stuff Tristan or Neil and I. Judging by tonight, I am pretty sure it's Neil and I. We went to a really fun rec center called the Apex. It has lots of activities, but we focused mostly on the "pool" tonight. I say "pool" because there is a pool but there is also a lazy river, huge kids play area, gigantic hot tub, and two water slides. Neil actually took Tristan down the one with the tube...twice!! He LOVED it! Neil and I had so much fun we kept handing T off and running up the stairs to go down the slides again. But of course we went there because "Tristan would like it." Tristan was all over the kid area in places that should have scared him, under waterfalls that should have made him fear water for life and he giggled and laughed and could not get enough! Who's kid is this? I am thankful that he is so brave and hope he never loses that. I also hope that by the time we get to our last kid we don't turn into yelling, unhappy, lame parents and still have more fun than the kids at all these events. I never thought I would be the mom who is right in there with them, always thought I would holding the snacks and take pictures from the sideline. To tell you the truth...this way is A LOT MORE FUN!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mom who?

Today was a great day. We went to the children's museum and played in the "big kid" room while it was not too crowded. I chased Tristan all through the squirrel tunnels. The funniest part was when we would be crawling around in there and Tristan would be laughing and having a great time with me, and then the big kids would come through...
He would abandon me like he didn't know who I was and do EVERYTHING they did. If they touched a light, he touched a light. If they went to the rabbit hole, he went to the rabbit hole. As soon as they were gone it was all about mom again. It didn't hurt my feelings too much, but I did feel like kind of an idiot sitting in the dark tunnels when he wasn't playing with me. One kid actually asked me, "who are you hiding from?"
It was a nice hot night, so we got popsicles while we played on the playground and then took a Trolly ride down the river. I think we will all sleep well tonight!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

You have a a bar

I had so much fun tonight! After a long weekend at work I needed some T time, so Tristan and I went on a date. He took me to a bar called D-Note for a dance party. It was great!! They played all "kid friendly" but no kid music and turned the lights on to the stage where the bands usually play. They put kids instruments up there and let them go wild. What a great idea... I can't believe I have not heard of more places doing this. I kept saying to myself, "I can't believe I am hanging out with my kid in a bar?" Tristan was a hit and had everyone laughing. He danced for a half hour straight on stage and then went over to this red couch in the corner, climbed up, sat in the middle and I swear I heard him sigh. My friend Kendra and Tristan's best friend Blake went with us. We decided to go every Sunday we can because it's like Gymboree with a glass of wine!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I wish I was a better actress

Tonight during bath time, Tristan learned that if he filled his little cup with water and threw it over his head it was great fun to watch the water splash all over the shower wall. It was really cute and he did twenty straight minutes of power squats bending to get water. It was truly enough to make any trainer proud of their student. The problem came when he accidentally threw it out of the tub and onto mommy. I laughed so hard which just made him laugh really hard and do it again. I tried so hard to genuinely laugh when he splashed in the tub or against the walls, but he knew the difference when he hit me and I would laugh pretty hard. Why am I not a better actress? He was not buying it for a moment. By the end he was grunting like Monica Seles and shaking to stand up again. The dog got a bath, I got a bath, and the bathroom floor got washed. I pulled the plug and draged a kid screaming from the tub. It was fun, but I'm afraid he is going to wake up with leg cramps! After a little leg massage and a bottle (which he has not had at night in a long time) he was down for the count. Sweet dreams my little stud muffin!