Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tiny Town

Tiny Town was tons of fun! I think Tristan could have stayed all day. Finally somewhere had all things his size. Most of the buildings you could not go in, but there were plenty that you could. He didn't even want to have a picnic with his friends because he was too busy peeking in all the windows. The buildings you could not go in were decorated with different themes inside. I don't know who thought to do this, but I'm glad they did. To top it off, they have a little train with a beautiful ride over the creek. We even had chance to talk about Great Grandpa Yuhas as we played in the Masonic Hall. The Hall's floor was a bit loose, so Tristan thought it made for a great jumpy castle. We had a beautiful sunny morning together before another afternoon thunderstorm is sure to come.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Conway Boys

These days it is almost impossible to get a picture with all three boys in the shot. They may not all be smiling or able to breath well, but they are all in there and'm thrilled! Since the nonstop moving, crawling, walking, running, jumping, and climbing children are rarely all next to each other ever, I didn't realize how similar they all look. Looking at this picture, I think I am going to have those kids that people say, "oh, you must be one of the Conway boys." Those beautiful brown eyes, long lashes, cute little noses, and even their eyebrows are the same! Tristan has a few inches on the boys, but he only has about five pounds on Finn, so he better watch out. The twins already gang up a bit on Tristan, so when he loses the height advantage he is in trouble. Finn is now walking and after finding Ian's teeth mark on Tristan's calf as he changed for bed, I'm sure T can't wait for Ian to get up off the ground and start walking real soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July 2011

It was a really hot fourth of July this year, but we still made it out for the parade this morning. When I told Tristan we were going to a parade and then to a baseball field where firemen would make him pancakes, he stared at me for a few seconds and then said, "Is it my birthday?"

The parade was too short and not very good, but we have found few good parades here in Colorado. I might just have to borrow my mom's parade file one of these years and organize a good old fashion home town parade.

My little firecrackers didn't make it very long, and I was just sorry that only one of the seats reclined all the way. The pancakes were terrific, but the heat made us leave the festivities early on. After some lunch and naps, we took the whole family to the pool for the first time. It was not a train wreck like I anticipated, so I think we might try it again. I know a lot of people let their kids stay up on nights like tonight, but we decided to send them all to bed early... Happy Independence to us!!!