A really long time ago, I bought the My Baby Can Read series from someone on Craigslist. As soon as I got it home and showed it to Tristan I was sure I had been taken for a ride and I promptly labeled myself a sucker. The video is SO BORING it's almost painful to have on even in the background. I put it in the closet and thought about reselling it about 30 times. Well, last week I moved the box of DVDs out to the living room bookcase and popped in the starter DVD one more time after being encouraged from my mom to do so. To my surprise, Tristan liked it but only seems to half pay attention to it so I didn't know if he was getting anything out of it. Everyday since then he points to the box and says, "Baby, please." To be honest, if he wasn't asking for it I probably wouldn't have played it. I didn't think it would work, but I also knew it wouldn't hurt him.
Well, tonight I was putting T to bed and we were reading a story that had a page with a picture of a zoo on it. There were panda bears on one side and elephants on the other with a sign in between them pointing which way to go. I asked him where the elephants were and instead of pointing to the animal he pointed to the word elephant on the sign!!!! That is one of his My Baby Can Read words!!! I almost leapt out of the chair did a dance with him and ran out to tell Neil. Then I remembered that we were settling down to bed, but as soon as we were done I ran out to tell Neil. I am still in shock that it's working and I can't wait to see what else come from it!
That is amazing! What a great first word to read too!