Wow! I am amazed every year at the amount of activities surrounding Halloween. While it's my lease favorite holiday, it really is a great holiday for kids. Any given day of the year my kids would love to dress up and eat candy and now there was a reason to do it. All the kids loved their costumes this year, but every time Ian would see his he would bring it to me and start babbling away and throw it at me until I put it on him. This was also the first year that Tristan didn't want the costume I got for him. I was surprised with his choice of "The Yoda", but he picked it early on in October and never changed his mind.
This year we went to a wonderful Halloween party thrown by my friends Kendra and Kira. They did ALL those cute ideas you see in the magazines in one party... amazing! We also went to the Train Museum with the Lantermans to ride the big steam train and all the fun around the grounds. Last but not least, we went trick-or-treating with the Tilzers on Halloween night. The older kids did great going up to all the houses by themselves. There were only a few hiccups when Tristan got too friendly and entered peoples homes or they didn't answer the door fast enough and he would open the door. I didn't think to tell him these rules before we left, but he learned fast along the way. I think this was my last relaxing halloween night for a few years. The babies rode in the backpacks this year and were so quiet we kept forgetting they were there. I'm sure that will all change next year!
My three little guys were just too cute this year! The twins did great everywhere we went and Tristan was his usual friendly, funny self. Love my kids!!!