These boys are making me laugh already. We went to see the specialist today and found out they are sharing one placenta, but they seem to be sharing quite nicely. Baby A has a little more room and is using every inch of it. Every time we see baby A, he is sprawled out stretching his arms and legs. Today he even flipped over a few times while we were there just to show off how much room he has. His brother, however, has a little less room. He always looks so cramped with his legs tucked up and his hands up to his face. We will see how this affects them when they come out into the world. Will baby B always want to be swaddled and baby A want to stretch out? With the membrane that separates them being so thin, we were told today that they can and will continue to feel each other kicking and punching. They will have to learn to work it out in there because I can't help them and break it up. I'm thinking they will have to be swaddled right next to each other when they are born.
At the end of the section, they measured my cervix to see how long it was. They were looking for 2 inches as a healthy number to start with at this point in pregnancy. I measured 4 1/2 inches and was pretty excited about that. Just as I was feeling good, I looked to the side of the screen and saw Baby A giving a clear thumbs up. We all burst out laughing! It's as if he was excited about the news, too. The tech moved the ultrasound a bit to see if Baby B was near by and there he was waving like crazy as if to say, "Hey hey, I'm here, too!!" I'm so glad we got pictures of these (above) because I just look at them and giggle. It's nice to look and see that they are encouraging me, too. These boys are already making us so happy. I have a feeling my house is going to be filled with three funny little boys!