Last weekend, we took the twins in for their first haircuts. Ian's hair was not too bad, but "wild man" Finn had wild and crazy hair! As much as he needed that hair cut, it was bittersweet for me to get it cut. Those cute curls, thick wavy hair, and the excitement of not knowing what direction it was going to be headed when he woke up in the morning.

I was nervous about taking these two in because they have not spent a ton of time out and about in different places. I thought they would be scared and clingy. Boy was I wrong! The place we go has a playroom where Neil stayed with the kids not yet having their haircut. I pulled them out one at a time to sit in the cute car, watch the movie in front of them, oh and get their haircut, too. Neither of them wiggled or even made a peep! I could not have had asked for more and their hair looks so cute... even though I still miss those locks on Finn!

gorgeous boys!