Mr Finn is almost seventeen months old! He is getting to be such a big boy. He is generally a happy little boy, especially since his molars broke through a few weeks ago. He has started to say a few words. Mama, more, hi, and bye bye. My favorite thing to do with Finn right now is to have little chats with him. You can ask him any question and he will answer you with the cutest babble ever! Poor kid, I do this to him all day long.
He has learned to climb the ottoman to turn on and off the kitchen light, dances like a maniac, and loves to play chase with big brother Tristan. The kid has an arm on him, too. The food that comes flying at dinner has some nice speed and would go a lot farther if it didn't hit the wall first. The paci that hits me in my bed with the greatest of aim is quite impressive, too. Finn's latest and greatest achievement is waking me up with a, "Mama? Mom? Mama? MOM?" It's so cute that I can't get mad at him.

hahah! so sweet! LOVE him!