Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh, there we are

Tonight was a night right out of a sitcom. Our friend, Eddie, was coming over to borrow some camping equipment and bringing a pizza for dinner. Sounds quiet and nice, right? Well, he had not been here five minutes when Tristan walked shyly up to me and grabbed my leg. I thought this was so strange and asked him what was wrong. He looked up at me, started puking, and didn't stop until I had him in the bathtub. The next ten five minutes are kind of a blur. I heard the babies start to scream because it was time for them to eat, but I was too busy slipping around on a puke covered bathroom floor making bubbles in the bath and trying to stay as calm as possible so that Tristan would not feel bad. Neil was preparing a bucket of mop water for me and throwing in the first load of laundry. Cooper was getting all the big chunks off the floor and for a moment I thought about keeping him. I forgot how handy a dog can be during these times. After it was over Neil and I looked at each other fondly and said, "see, we're still in there!" Taking care of a toddler and newborn twins can chip away at the communication in a marriage. We are both so tired at the beginning, middle, and end of each day that we tend to snip at each other more and say things in a way we never have. We try not to take it personally because we know it is a short time that we will be in this really hard situation, but in the back of your mind you hope that on the other side you have not picked up habits that cannot be reversed. It was really good to get a glimpse of our old self working well as a team to make a messy situation clean again.

We honestly thought that when we were done Eddie would have just left, but he fought his gag reflex and calmed a baby. He was impressed with our teamwork and the fact we didn't start yelling at each other like most of his other friends with kids would have. At the end of the day, we are still that couple that moved across the country, made our way through Neil's schooling, parented a happy little boy together, and brought two healthy babies into the world because of our teamwork and communication. We are still in there and hope to be back to our nice and respectful selves as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea & Neil-I'm so proud of you both!!! I know that is weird coming from a newly wed and a women that has no kids and someone that is not part of your family. However I know that there are couples out there that would not have handled this situation as well as the two of you did. Way to go you should give each other a big hug for this.
