I love Mother's Day. What's not to love? The kids tell you they love you a thousand times and you get to do what you want that day. Usually we start with church, spend a little family time, and then I go get some much needed alone time.

This year Ian was sick, so I stayed home from church with the twins. Neil's brother and his wife were in town visiting with their baby Andrew so they went to church with Neil and Tristan. It was just the nice quiet, cuddly morning with my little ones that I wanted. Tristan and the boys worked with Neil the night before to make me a wonderful card. I love it when Neil totally gets what I love about presents.

I was happily surprised that my best friend, Erin, arranged her travels to fly through Denver and be able to spend a few hours with me. I love when she comes to town because we go to the yummiest places to eat and I don't ever hear one word about how many calories are in the food or how long we will have to be at the gym if we eat it all. SO REFRESHING these days when everyone seems to be obsessed with talking about food...and not the good kind of food talk. Erin likes to visit local places, so the two of us went to Chataqua Dinning Hall for brunch. I have wanted to go to that brunch for twelve years, but Neil doesn't like brunch so we have never gone. It was perfect. We got a table out on the porch overlooking the flatirons and the weather was perfect! We sat and talked about Africa, her adoption, my upcoming trip, and our current lives. SO good for the soul.
After brunch, I came home to a house filled with family and got to celebrate with all of them. There is something really nice about a full house on a holiday. Neil then told me that he had arranged for my Mother's Day present that I requested. One night at a local really nice hotel all by myself...awwww. It would not be until the next weekend, but I could breath a little better knowing that break was coming. Well, that day has come and gone and the kids were too sick for me to get away. I think it will still happen, I just have no idea when. That's the life of a mother though, those little kids come first :)
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