This week I am very thankful for my little family. Haha, little? Well, it is made up of a lot of little people. While I would not say that everything in our life is perfect, I would say the most important things in life are pretty close to perfect. Even after fifteen months, I am still in awe of how healthy and happy the twins are. After three years, I am still in awe of how funny, nice, and cute Tristan is. After thirteen years I am in awe of how Neil is still my best friend in the world.
This past year went so fast while I was so busy and tired, and I feel like I woke up to three big kids today. My little babies are not babies anymore and Tristan is so grown up and smart. It hit me hard the other day at the zoo when I realized Tristan could ride the carousel all by himself. It was kind of nice not to have to hold him, but to be able to ride side-by-side and just have fun together. It gave me a little window into the future where Neil and I get to enjoy more activities with the kids. I liked it. I like my kids. I like my family. I like my life.
I have been waiting for a new blog post and this one was worth the wait! You DO have such a great "little" family ;) xo