After the twins missed out on their big birthday party last weekend, my friend Kendra threw them a party yesterday! She made them an amazing birthday cake, hung balloons, had presents, and generally loved on them. She is just about the best friend anyone could ask for and I'm so glad that she is my friend!! Lucky lucky lucky me AND my kids! Tristan and Blake had so much fun playing in the splash pool and over watering Kendra's tomato plants, while Pipper hung out in her seat, Ian played around, and Finn parked himself in front of the cake and double fisted the forks. I vote that all picnics from now on have a cake!

(I put their frosting covered outfits in a bag to wash when I got home. Forgetting that I took care of this mess right when I got home and put them in the wash, I waited to unpack the rest of the bag until today. I guess there was a diaper I had changed at Kendra's as well that I put in a sealed up bag. I thought they were the outfits and set it on the counter for later. Neil saw the bag and threw it out. Later that night I asked him where it was and he told me the dumpster. I told him the birthday outfits were in there, but admitted it was my fault for leaving them out. While I was in the shower, Neil was being a good guy and went dumpster diving to find them. All he found was the bag with messy diapers. All I found were the clean outfits in the drier. Oops !)

it was SO much fun! I am blessed to have you as a friend and I LOVE your boys!