I love these seven month old babies!! They are so much easier and more fun to take care of than six months ago. Both of them are all smiles and love to sit and play and amuse each other. Could I be reaping some of those benefits my grandmother told me about?
Both boys are sitting up really well and now enjoying dinner each night. They are sleeping better at night and giving me a bit more rest. Just when I thought I had missed something and could not remember what I did with Tristan to get him on a napping/feeding/sleeping at night schedule, the boys started to do it naturally. I thought "oh yeah, that's what we let Tristan do, too." I'm not all hippee "let my baby name itself when they are old enough to choose", but I do so much enjoy watching the natural workings of a baby's body and mind to grow and develop.
The more I relax and take my cues from them, the easier it all flows. The boys are in their own beds now, so I have to walk sideways around my room, but it's worth it to give them their own space. Oh, I can feel a good nights sleep coming any day now!
Don't let these cute and civil pictures fool you though. When these two get too close, they pretty much attack each other. It's not a pretty sight, and it is a glimpse of years to come.
A bit about my boys:
Ian is the one that likes to be cuddles and held. Ian never lets us go too long with out reminding us that we need to slow down and snuggle a baby. His smiles are precious and make you feel so wonderful because he really makes you work for them. Waiting until he can do something really well before trying it is more his style. Finn tried sitting up first, but when Ian did it he just sat up straight and didn't wobble. Ian is also the one that starts trouble. He is the one at 6am blowing raspberries to wake Finn up and get him laughing and blowing raspberries back, and then Ian goes back to sleep leaving me to deal with Finn. He quietly steals the pile of toys the babies are playing with. I have no idea how, but he always seems gets them!
Finn is ready to rain smiles on anyone who will look in his direction. His favorite person is Tristan for sure. Just a glance from that big boy sends Finn on his way to the best day of his life. He is a little more laid back and content to play by himself. When he looks at toys you can hear the bubble above his head saying, "What does this do? How does this work? I want to taste that!"
Both boys are sitting up really well and now enjoying dinner each night. They are sleeping better at night and giving me a bit more rest. Just when I thought I had missed something and could not remember what I did with Tristan to get him on a napping/feeding/sleeping at night schedule, the boys started to do it naturally. I thought "oh yeah, that's what we let Tristan do, too." I'm not all hippee "let my baby name itself when they are old enough to choose", but I do so much enjoy watching the natural workings of a baby's body and mind to grow and develop.
Don't let these cute and civil pictures fool you though. When these two get too close, they pretty much attack each other. It's not a pretty sight, and it is a glimpse of years to come.
A bit about my boys:
Ian is the one that likes to be cuddles and held. Ian never lets us go too long with out reminding us that we need to slow down and snuggle a baby. His smiles are precious and make you feel so wonderful because he really makes you work for them. Waiting until he can do something really well before trying it is more his style. Finn tried sitting up first, but when Ian did it he just sat up straight and didn't wobble. Ian is also the one that starts trouble. He is the one at 6am blowing raspberries to wake Finn up and get him laughing and blowing raspberries back, and then Ian goes back to sleep leaving me to deal with Finn. He quietly steals the pile of toys the babies are playing with. I have no idea how, but he always seems gets them!
Finn is ready to rain smiles on anyone who will look in his direction. His favorite person is Tristan for sure. Just a glance from that big boy sends Finn on his way to the best day of his life. He is a little more laid back and content to play by himself. When he looks at toys you can hear the bubble above his head saying, "What does this do? How does this work? I want to taste that!"
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