We are learning new vocabulary everyday around here. At our specialist visit last Thursday we were surprised to find out that the twins we were sure were fraternal, turned out to be monochorionic monozygotic, or identical twins that share a placenta. Even though they were only 14 weeks along, the specialist was clearly able to tell that one twin was a boy and since she knew they were identical because of the make up of the womb, she knew the other baby had to be a boy, too. A house full of boys! That's just fine with me. I have always said that I would love to be a mom of all boys, so this doesn't scare me a bit. I know the messes will be bigger, there will be more holes in my walls, and I will have to grocery shop every other day at some point in the future, but I'm looking forward to all of that! Well, maybe not the holes in the walls.
The ultra sounds have been amazing to see and I am grateful that we get to view them so often. Seeing their little spines, hands, feet, and strong heart beats are truly amazing. I wonder who these little boys will be when they enter the world and I feel so lucky that God choose them to be a part of our family.
The pictures are a little hard to make out, as all ultrasound pictures are, but the first two are of Twin A and the last is of both babies. We were sent to the specialist in the first place because my doctor could not see a division between the twins that would indicate they had their own amniotic sacs. The specialist was able to tell there is a division, but thinks they are sharing a placenta. Today my doctor thought she saw two placentas, so we will explore this with the specialist when we see them in one week. If they are sharing, the doctors will monitor we closely to make sure each twin is getting enough nutrients. We are hoping to see two placentas on Tuesday because that would mean we are in the clear for what they call "twin to twin transfusion syndrome." For now, we continue to pray for the health of these little ones and for a nice long pregnancy!
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