Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Come on Moms... give me a smile!!

Today at group therapy, I mean MOPS, I didn't say what I wanted to. I actually didn't say much at all, so I thought I would say it here. It was one big "woe is me" fest that I did not quite know how to participate in even if I had wanted to. I looked at these moms who had children young and old and they were still hung up on the disappointment that came with the birth and beginning of their relationship with their kids. I just want my kids to know that I like being a mom and not just a mom but their mom, well, just Tristan so far.

I thought I would hear horrible birth stories where mothers and/or babies almost died, but what I actually heard were stories not unlike my own. My one experience so far was scary and went not as planned. It was hard, I could not push hard enough or long enough to get Tristan out so they had to assist. Instead of being sad and feeling like a failure, I choose to look at it a different way. This was the first of MANY times in Tristan's life that God will tell me, "it's not always about you... this is between Tristan and I, and I know what is best." I'm thankful that I get to be a part of my kids life and that I have been entrusted to guide them for the first part of their life. I wanted to speak up today and say, "I love being a mom! It's hard, but did any of us really think it was going to be easy? It's going to go fast, so laugh a little more." I didn't say any of that because, well, I just didn't. I think the only people that need to know that I am/was happy are my kids!!!

1 comment:

  1. 100% AGREED! It's SOO NOT about us! Who cares about the process! It's the RESULT people! You've got healthy children when others DON'T. I've been really bothered by today too. I don't recall ever leaving MOPS last year as annoyed as I was today. The bit about formula too, that is quite a hot button of mine. If you don't believe me, read: http://thehaashaus.com/2008/07/17/going-to-plan-b/. I think you'd appreciate it. Anyway, so sorry that was your introduction to week #2! I really did have some positive experiences last year and I'm holding out that it will get better this year, especially as the other half of our table rocks.
