We are only four days in, so I know the adjustment will get easier. On this his fourth day he also had to deal with a situation on the bus. The situation isn't really important here, but his response to it is one I will want to remember forever...hence the blog.
Another boy did something on the bus yesterday and told Tristan and another kid that it was a secret and they should not tell anyone. We read, we prepare, we talk to our kids, but until our kid is in that situation you never know what they are going to really do. Well, he told me everything. When I told him that I would talk to his bus driver/principal the next day, he said, "No, Mom. I think this is something I have to handle myself."
My big brave first grader boarded that bus this morning, waited discreetly until everyone got off the bus at school, and told his bus driver the whole story. When he and another boy were called in to have lunch with the principal to discuss it, I am told he did it in a very mature way.
As a mom, I wanted to drive to the school the next morning and discuss this with adults, but I'm glad my first grader stopped me because he learned a boat load of lessons doing this himself. He learned how good it feels to be brave and do what's right and he learned that his voice will be heard when he speaks up.

On top of this situation today, Tristan also got his first ever bee sting at school!! I told you...1st grade is HARD. I'm pretty sure the bus ride home will be uncomfortable for him, but today's after school snack will be ice cream. Oh, and I think our fish is on his last few days. If this fish dies before the end of the day I might just do something crazy and buy him a puppy (kidding). Hoping we can slow down on these growing pains for a few weeks at least.
One proud mom!!