Last night as I was tucking Tristan into bed, I read him a book about a little mouse going to his first day of school. I left the book by his bed and because we moved to a new bedtime, it was still a bit light in his room.
The moment the clock turned to 6:00am, T woke me up very excited for his first day. I told him to make his bed and get dressed while I made his breakfast. He holds up his book and says, "I know mom, I read this whole book again after you left the room last night, so I know just what to do today." I LOVE the confidence of this little guy.
When T arrived at the table he was greeted by a note from Neil. Neil left for a business trip this morning at 4:30 this morning but not before he left a some
encouragement for his little man. After breakfast and getting the twins dressed REALLY fast, we ran out to catch the bus. At the very end we really did have to run, but he climbed right on and greeted his bus driver. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I met the driver and saw that she was very nice. It all happened so fast and it was over in less than two minutes. Some of that was good...like ripping off a band-aid. I didn't cry, I was fine, and I turned to take a nice walk with the twins back home. Almost immediately after Tristan's bus was out of sight, Ian ran up and threw his arms around my leg saying, "I miss Tristan!" Really?
The few hours of T's half day today went fast and soon it was time to go pick him up. The boys and I waited patiently outside his room until the teacher opened the door and the kids came pouring out. Tristan was one of the last ones out and in no hurry. The twins just about ran him over and attacked him with hugs. I thought Ian would never let go. To my surprise, Tristan didn't mind and he even smiled and hugged them right back. Maybe this time away from each other is going to be great for them!!
When I asked him what his favorite part of the day was, he said the gears toy. When I asked him one thing he didn't like about school he said, "Nothing! Everything was AWESOME!!" I am so excited for him and the school year. I'm glad he is in a full day program and will learn so much. He didn't love coming home before lunch and recess. I'm glad he will have so much time with his friends and to settle into learning with plenty of time for fun. The twins are now beyond excited to start school and I have no idea how I am going to hold them off until next week.