Tristan is a very picky eater. If it's the wrong texture, color, or name he will not eat it. Being too tired to deal with melt downs and crying every night, I have found a way to make a happy and still nutritious home. I would like to introduce this mama's three best friends:
Juice Plus Fruits
Juice Plus Veggies
Odwalla Protein Chocolate shake
Tristan does great with regular breakfast of a banana, slice of whole wheat bread, and cheese stick... everyday without fail. If that's not what is on the plate then he is not eating.
Lunch is a little more flexible with some lunch meat (as long as it's not on a sandwich), apple, a few other items, but always lots of yogurt!!!
Dinner is where the struggle arises! I could not find a healthy solution for dinner. Now with his treats of "gummies and chocolate milk" he is happy to eat the oranges and mac and cheese, burger, or chicken nuggets for dinner. Most importantly... I don't feel guilty about the main dish "kid food" that is on his plate every evening. Here's to modern ways of hiding my kids full servings of fruits, veggies, protein, and a whole host of other vitamins!!!!