Today is Martin Luther King Day. A few weeks ago I came across a simple idea on Pinterest to do with you kids on MLK day. You take a white egg and a brown egg and talk about how they look different on the outside, so what do you think they look like on the inside? After they give their ideas, you crack them open to see they are the same. That opens a good dialog to talk about people who do not look the same on the outside.
Just as I was going to the store to buy some brown eggs, I paused. To my three-year-old the difference in color doesn't matter. I know that in the future it's important to tell him about our country's shameful past and educate him that some people choose to believe those lies still today. Today was not that day. Today my son thinks people are people because nobody has told him any different. I'm going to enjoy one more year of his innocent love of this world and be happy that the America I live in today was changed by not just Martin Luther King, but so many people deciding to believe what was written about them. To believe that God loves all of us. That he created us and thinks we are beautiful. That we should love our neighbor as ourselves. I didn't see anything about color of skin in those verses and that is NO mistake. Thank you Martin Luther King for being wise and brave beyond words!!!!!